Upcoming Trainings What is Zen Dialogue? Zen Dialogue is a transformative method for entering into direct contact with a person’s inner family of selves –…
Meets Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling requirement of 12 hours of continuing education “face to face”…
Many of our clients suffer from profound trauma and attachment wounds from childhood – with child ego states very stuck in the past. Therapy models…
Florida Mental Health Licensure Services offers many courses from clinicians that specialize in their field of practice, including: If you are interested in one of…
Upcoming Trainings While statistically only one person in 10 has a personality disorder, far more than that will appear in counseling because of relational and/or…
Meets Florida Board of Psychologist, Clinical Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling requirement for 6 hours of continuing education. Objective: Two…
Participants will gain knowledge in evaluation and treatment of clients with Disordered Eating symptomology. While diagnosed eating disorders affect 1-3% of the general population, they…
Meets Florida Board of Psychologists Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling requirement of 2 hours of continuing education on domestic…